Надія є! BLOG How To Make Smile 2500 Little Ukrainians in Moldova

How To Make Smile 2500 Little Ukrainians in Moldova

In a world that can sometimes feel cold and uncaring, there are still shining examples of humanity that give us hope for the future. One such example are the donations made by a kind-hearted donors to the Nadiya Center from MAD-Aid And Lund Trust From UK.

Thanks to you we distributed in 2022 over 2500 HopePacks to the refugee babies in need.  Your generosity has provided much-needed food and hygiene products to vulnerable babies, and their contribution will make a meaningful impact on the lives of these little ones.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincerest thanks to these wonderful donors for their kindness and generosity. Your donation has made it possible for us to continue our work in providing support to refugee babies, who are some of the most vulnerable members of society. Your contribution will make a real difference in their lives, and we are truly grateful.

For refugee babies, access to basic needs such as food and hygiene products can be a matter of life and death. Many of these little ones have experienced unimaginable trauma and have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict and violence.

Without the support of donors like you, many would be left without the essential supplies they need to survive and thrive.

Your donation has made it possible for us to provide much-needed food and hygiene products to refugee babies in need, to teach moms Romanian classes, as well as to have a beautiful conforting space as Nadiya E Center is.

Once again, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you for your support in 2022.

Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of refugee babies, providing them with the love, care, and support they need to thrive. Thank you.

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