Надія є! EN Me and My Thoughts

Me and My Thoughts

The month of May is a great time to think about our mental health. Therefore, some time ago we invited our ladies to the resource breakfast-seminar «Me and My Thoughts».

The event turned out to be a real source of inspiration and positive emotions. The participants had a great time enjoying fragrant drinks, live music and delicious breakfast in a cozy and beautiful place.

The main topic of discussion was our thoughts and the impact they have on our lives. Together with an interesting speaker from Canada, we talked about the struggle between positive and negative; and how to cultivate a healthy mindset. The seminar has become a real guide on how to better manage your thoughts and find harmony within yourself.

The members shared their stories and found mutual support and inspiration. It was especially valuable to hear the different perspectives and experiences of other women who are facing similar challenges and striving for the best version of themselves.

The breakfast seminar «Me and My Thoughts» was not only a useful event, but also an opportunity to spend time in a circle of like-minded people, creating new connections and inspiring each other for further achievements.

We thank the organizers for the wonderful atmosphere and for the event itself. This women’s seminar has become a real source of positive emotions, wise thoughts and important practical lessons. It helped us feel the power of community and understand that each of us has the ability to change our thoughts and our lives for the better.


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